<svg class="herion-back-to-top"><g><line x2="227.62" y1="31.28" y2="31.28"></line><polyline points="222.62 25.78 228.12 31.28 222.62 36.78"></polyline><circle cx="224.67" cy="30.94" r="30.5" transform="rotate(180 224.67 30.94) scale(1, -1) translate(0, -61)"></circle></g></svg>

MyPromoGuy Old School Advertising and Marketing For The 21st Century Learn More

Social Integration

Social Network & Music Platform Oriented

We Embed your music and social feeds seamlessly into your myEPK.Rocks EPK!
Display your media and content directly from Spotify, YouTube, Instagram, Bandsintown, Twitter and more…  Seamless and Always Fresh!

[wvc_social_icons services=”spotify,youtube,instagram,bandsintown,twitter,facebook” size=”fa-4x” css_animation_each=”true” css_animation=”zoom-in”]

and more…

Custom Release EPKs

Your Next Release Promotion Is Here!

Promoting your release is a daunting task!  And just sending a copy of your song to potential playlisters, radio stations, or even getting your fans to check it out can cost a lot of time and money…  We make it easier with a FULL EPK specifically for your music!

Imagine, a web page dedicated to your next release…  Including your artist Bio, Links to Social Media, Background Story behind your song, music videos, visualizers and more.  Consider this a one stop for everything related to your release and more!

Getting Started Is Easy!

You Supply Content / We Do The Rest!

Imagine, a KILLER EPK in less than 2 weeks!  Ready to promote your Band or next Song Release!  It can happen!  Call Bobby Jay TODAY at (940) 202-0928 and we can get you started on the path of your personalized EPK right away!

[wvc_process_container help=”” layout=”vertical”][wvc_process_item i_type=”linea-icons” i_icon_linea-icons=”linea-basic-mouse” title=”Call Bobby Jay at (940) 202-0928 and get him started!” text=”Get Bobby Jay On The Phone”][wvc_process_item i_type=”linea-icons” i_icon_linea-icons=”linea-basic-download” title=”Send Your Content” text=”Send us your Links, Videos, Photos, Bio, and everything you use to promote your band and music!”][wvc_process_item i_type=”linea-icons” i_icon_linea-icons=”linea-basic-heart” title=”Send Your EPK to The World” text=”Send out your myEPK.Rocks customized link to Venues, Radio Stations, Playlists and Fans!”][/wvc_process_container]